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Artifact Storage Key WOW SOD: How To Get?

Artifact Storage Key WOW SOD
Artifact Storage Key WOW SOD complete the quest.

If you are a fan of World of Warcraft, you might have heard of the Secrets of Azeroth event in the Season of Discovery.

This event revealed some hidden secrets and mysteries of the world and also rewarded players with some unique items.

One of these items is the Artifact Storage Key, a quest reward that allows you to access a secret locker and obtain a rare artifact.

Continue reading more about Artifact Storage Key WOW SOD.

What Is The Artifact Storage Key In WOW SOD?

The artifact storage key is a quest item that is part of the Secrets of Azeroth event.

It is a copy of an original key that belongs to Preservationist Cleared, a member of the Reliquary faction.

The key can open the Preservationist’s Locker, a hidden storage room in the Roasted Ram Inn of Valdrakken.

One of these artifacts is the Maruuk Burial Banner, a hidden banner with Maruuk centaur markings.

Continue reading to learn more about the WOW SOD Desecration and Gnarled Harpoon.

How To Get An Artifact Storage Key In WOW SOD?

To get the Artifact Storage Key, you need to complete the quest An Inside Job, which requires you to complete the Secrets of Azeroth.

In this quest, Fangli Hoot will give you a note that will help you enter the Roasted Ram Inn.

Talk to Fangli Hoot
Talk to Fangli Hoot to initiate the quest.

Once inside, you need to find a way to access the Preservationist’s Locker, which is located on the second floor behind the bed.

The key to the locker is a copy version of the original key, which is given by Fangli Hoot.

Fangli Hoot does not explain how she got the key, but she says that it is very fragile and can only be used once.

Therefore, you need to be careful not to damage or lose the key before you reach the locker.

Once you have the key, you need to go to the second floor and use it on the Preservationist’s Locker.

Open the Preservationists Locker
Open the Preservationist’s Locker and collect the item.

The locker will open and reveal the Maruuk Burial Banner, which you need to take and return to Fangli Hoot.

Furthermore, you need to appraise the item to see if it is genuine.

To do this you need to talk to “Appraiser” Sazsel Stickyfingers in the same Inn who is waiting in the room.

Talk to Appraiser Sazsel Stickyfingers
Talk to Appraiser Sazsel Stickyfingers to authenticate the item.

He will ask you if you are working with Fangl and help you appraise the Maruuk Burial Banner.

Furthermore, he will then look into it and come to a conclusion that the Maruuk Burial Banner is authentic and that Fangli was wrong.

After you complete the quest, Fangli Hoot will take the key back and reward you with Fangli’s Note and Copied Artifact Storage Key.

Talk to Fangli Hoot
Return to Fangli Hoot and complete the quest.

Uses Of Artifact Storage Key In WOW SOD

The artifact storage key has no other use than opening the Preservationist’s Locker and completing the quest chain.

However, the Maruuk Burial Banner that you obtained from the locker is a very valuable item.

Moreover, it is a rare artifact that can unlock a secret achievement.

The Bottom Line

The Artifact Storage Key is a quest reward that allows you to access a secret locker and obtain a rare artifact in the SoD.

The key is a copy version of the original key that is given by Fangli Hoot, a humanoid goblin creature that lives in Valdrakken.

Overall, it is a unique and exciting item that helps to open the Preservationist’s Locker.

Also, read more about Baldur’s Gate 3: Dream Visitor and Oath Of Vengeance.
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